Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Planning my Escape

Have you ever seen a woman walk into a room and charm everyone? If you have not seen such a thing, you need to meet my mother. See, we never had much and we moved around a lot. We rented rooms, apartments, lived with my grandmother, lived in a car and even in shelters. We were far from even middle class. But if anyone knows my mother you would know that she has this wift of elegance. There is something about her I cannot explain. It was as if she owned the world. She is the kind of woman that no matter the day or what the weather is like she is always dressed up. She never walked out without makeup and heels. Men would surround her like she was the only one in this world. She knew how to get what she wanted. The only thing about her is that her insecurity and immaturity made her dull. It was like a beautiful painting was being washed away. She was the color red but certain things made her dark, noire, she had a side you did not want to know.

When my mother was happy she was happy. She always played music, danced around the house and enjoyed drinking. Then there were times when she would call our names screaming, shouting for us. You never knew what it was about. Most days she wanted to us to find her other shoe because she had lost one a few nights ago. So, there we were on the search for her shoe. If it took long she would begin by cursing at us, only to smacking us on the head. If you cried she would hit you and you did not want that.

I will never forget, one hot summer day. I cannot recall why she was furious I just remember she began to hit me and then my brother. I was six and he was five. She was on top of him. With a wooden spoon she began to hit his face, time after, time after time, after time. All I could do was screaming for her to STOP but she would not.

Then there was another time when we were trying to find something and we couldn’t so she began to hit us. She took my face against the mirror and told me she hated me. She proceeded to get my brother and I completely naked and had us kneel down outside in the rain. She had us holding buckets of water and if we dropped them she would hit us.

Then in a moment she would apologize and somehow I would forgive her. Somehow I felt like it was my fault. Her charm would enchant me and she would always make it better.

At times I felt she had two personalities. The lovely woman could have people eating out of her palm, and then there was other woman that was nasty.

I had been planning my escape ever since I could remember. In fourth grade I had a job just helping a lady clean a Laundromat. I began to save all my money. I would get $25 a day. Next thing you know I had hundreds of dollars because I did it for a whole year.  At the time my mother had no idea what I was doing because she was too busy going out, having her girlfriends living with us and sleeping until noon. I had even begun to learn how to drive. One day we had had a very bad fight and she kicked me out. She said I should leave if I did not like living whit her, and to take my brothers. It was what I had been waiting for. It was my moment. If you know me you know I’m stubborn like donkey. Ran to my room or closet where I lived and packed everything. I grabbed my brothers and walked out the door. It was the very first time I had defied my mother and it was the first time she realized I was not six years old, hahaha I was nine but in my head I was 30. As we waited for the elevator she walked out after us. She asked “Where do you think you are going?” In reality I think she just wanted us there because, if not she’d be in trouble. She apologized and so we went back to hell.

What I gained that day was strength and for the first time courage. The teemed girl was still there. I was still shy and awkward but I had a sense of control and no one could take that from me.

E and Four years

Senor year in High school was amazing!!! I know that most people hate high school but I actually had a blast especially senor year. I had turned 18 during senor year. I was in every club possible and was swimming on top of that I had the best friends I could have ever made. Every Thursday through Sunday we would go out to parties and I was dating a boy. That relationship only lasted 6 months but it was blast.  This was the same year that I had gotten a small scholarship and had gotten in to all the schools I had applied to. I was on top of the world but with that came many obstacles. It was the first time in my life that being an immigrant actually faced me face to face. I had gone through the entire school system and now I could not afford college because I was not a citizen. To make it more interesting my mother had gone through her second divorce and I found her in the worst depression I had ever seen her. I imagine she was doing drugs because she was always locked in her room and awake all night. She would leave with random people and not come home for days. I was the head of the family and I took care of my brothers. Then one day she took my brothers and left them at my grandmother house.

While all of this was happening one day E showed up at my door. He was a boy I had often thought about because he was quite peculiar. Except I had never had spent much time getting to know.  I invited him to in with all my other friends and I made us all dinner. He looked at me and said “if you feed me I will never leave” and he never did. He became one of my best friends and eventually we dated. It was the toughest relationship because we were incredibly compatible except I was faced with growing and taking on responsibilities that most 18 year old girls do not face.  The next four years E stayed by my side and most people thought we’d get married. Unfortunately, I was not ready for that.  There are many components to why not and why we broke up, mostly my fault. See I have always been good at destroying relationships. It has always been easier to walk away. The most important reason is that no one should have to go through my pains because I have to.  E and I broke up in 2006-2007.  He deserved better. He needed someone normal, someone to give him what I could not. It was hard because even after the brake up, we kept in touch and at times we even slept together. It was hard to let go of four years.

List of things in the four years

1. I had a 3.5gpa

2. I was homecoming queen

3. I got a scholarship

4. I got into every school I applied to

5. I began to date E

6. My mother disappeared

7. I took care of my brothers

8. I was homeless

9. I was still dancing Tahitian dancing b/ the Sencil family let us do it no cost

10. I moved in to my best friend parents’ house

11. I worked illegally

12. I had 3 jobs

13. I took legal guardianship for my siblings

14. I moved in with E to our own apartment along with my brother.

15. We got a dog (Tug)

16. We broke up

Being an older sister taking a role of a mother was not easy. I had long working hours and no sleep, always tracking down my brothers. At times they went in and out of juvenile detention. Making sure they went to school and mediating when they fought.

This story is not for anyone to feel sorry for me. This story is to tell E that without him I would not have ever been able to survive that stage in my life. Thank you for being patient. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving my family no matter the disasters. Thank you for all the rides to Target, all our furniture building because it was all form Ikea. Thank you for making me laugh and for creating “heavy Hands”. Thank you for sleeping with me in the car. Thank you for all that you did. I’m sorry I could not give you more.

I always knew you’d be happy and I know you found that.

My Very First

The first time I kissed a boy I was 14 and he was just a boy, and I just a girl. He was a bit different this boy. He had braces and combed his hair back. It was in math class when I first noticed him and he noticed me. See I have always been a bit strange and for some reason what I do has always been different. I can’t really explain how this boy and I initiated our dating but I can tell you that our friendship began in math class. See our teachers dad had died and I wrote her a feel better card. It’s not like I needed brownie points I had an A in the class. I have always just felt other people’s pains. Almost, as if it had happened to me. This boy, being a boy began to call me TP teacher’s pet but instead of making me mad I laughed. See I was never embarrassed to be me and it was cute that he was flirting. Days went by and TP continued and next thing you know we are standing in the Science building holding hands and with no say he just kissed me. I was shocked and it was as if that moment had frozen. From there on we were attached to the hip. We wrote love note, poems and had long making out sessions. He bought me little roses and a bear for Valentine’s Day.  We kissed in the rain and he walked miles to see me. We talked on the phone and he took his socks for me when mine were wet. He walked me home and picked flower for me. It was the sweetest love I had ever had in my life. But like all things with love comes heart ship. I had told him what had happened to me and he became jealous, insecure, but most of all very protective.  And just like my whole world had been chattered. It had been destroyed by someone who led to destroying me and my relationship. I’m not ready to describe what happened to me on my 15th birthday but it was not good. This boy could not help me and he walked away. Junior year of high school was not the same. The one I loved had left me because it was too hard to handle. Do, I cried and cried and cried. A year and a half later we met but I could never go backwards. I could not let him back in. The first time in my life I realized that could hate. I did not hate him. I hated the fact that I was ruined and he walked away when I needed him the most. It took some time to understand why he did and why I always loved him and why we still keep in contact. I could never forget my first kiss, the first time I realized I loved, and the first time I had needed and wanted someone in my life.

PS. To this boy: if you ever read this just know that I know it was hard and I will always H.I love you.   

Without You

Sometimes there are people that mark your life forever. There are moments you can’t forget and pains that will remain. In the long run there are good things and bad things and things that just happen. You love the way you may never love. You kiss the way you may never receive one again.  You talk for hours as if tomorrow will end. You hug someone and savor that hug because you think you’ll never get one again. You fight for that person or with that person because not everything is happiness. But in the end you take it all in. You’ll love again, you will definitely kiss again, the talks will come, new hugs will come, and the fight will always exist.  It’s up to you to open your heart, close your eyes and feel the warm embrace, have your ears ready, open your arms and never stop fighting because without you there is no love.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Girl on an airplane.

I was sitting at the Philadelphia airport waiting to board. I noticed a couple that seemed so in love. They were a bit out there. I say next to them while I are dinner. I over heard them taking about their trip. Long story short they were coming to Connecticut after a long week in California. I asked what I shouldn't have. Why were you there? As I sat there listening, my eyes wandering around scopeing the people they told me. I could not believe it. There son had died in California. He had fallen out of a party bus. 

My eyes just opened and my jaw dropped. I apologized and told they how sorry I was. Sorry people, but that is not something you share with some random stranger and seem like it's not a big deal. 

I look around, thinking who could I tell. Why was I in such dismay? Was it because they seemed like they were so refreshed. Like it wasn't a big deal that their son had died and they just told a stranger while still laughing. 

Before we boarded I noticed this really tall girl. She looked so innocent and sweet. The kind of girl that has her shit together. So prim and proper you could almost hate but can't help but want to talk to. 

We began to board and I was praying that those people would not sit near me. Somehow I was still in shock but also sad. 
I sat down and pretty girl in grey dress sat next to me. I started talking to her and found she was super nice. Above all I had someone normal sitting next to me and I could release this random news that I could not seem to get past. We talked the whole way to Connecticut as if we were long life friends. 

We arrived at BDL in Hartford and we exchanged cards. A few days later I got an email from her and we scheduled a lunch. 

Never in a million years did I think we'd be friends. I mean but why not? We had lunch and drinks. We walked around and shopped. Next week after that we went out for Halloween. She was so cute I had to help her look slutty because she was far to innocent.  I saw myself in her about 5 years ago.  

After that night I knew I had made a great friend. Not only did I get so drunk she took care of me. She made sure I made it home. 

Weeks after that we are still friends going out and having fun. Just last night we learned that her birthday in Sept 26 and mine is Sept 28. We are Libras and we have had are hearts broken. 

"What happens on a plane doesn't have to stay there"

See sometimes you take risks and it's scary but good. 

You never know what will happen ....

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


At times, I want to say something clever

What is cleverer than silence?

At times, I want to punch someone or something

Instead I punch the world with silence

At times, I want to scream as loud as I possibly can

Oh, I do, with silence and a smile

At times, I want to run as fast I could

But if I did only silence would ring and nothing to hear

At times, I want to hate you and at times I do

Then I refrain because silence would not hurt you, only me

At times, I want to rip this heart out, to remove the pain

If I do I’ll never know real love, you would win

I smile in silence because it’s hard not too and in the end, I win

I stand in silence because I have concord my weakness

I dance and sing in silence, it is so much fun

You will never know what the silence means

I stay quiet, soundless

Time will come …