Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Why not?

Is it strange or flattering when someone stares at you?

I think that there are times when I space out and stare. Often I wonder if people think that I'm staring at

And once in a while maybe I do. I find that there are people that have a strange yet a beautiful look. I know it seems weird, but for some reason that is what attracts me. I seems that I venture toward people with peculiar personalities or looks. It could be that I just connect better or they're more similar to me. Or they are more real. Whatever the reason, yes I stare...

Once in a while the feeling that someone is staring at me seems odd.
The other day, for example, I was falling asleep in class and I woke up because I felt that feeling. Across the room this very attractive boy was staring at me. Quite embarrassing because I think I almost drooled. I thought it was just amusing to him. But then again, another day as I was watching the teacher read out of the book and I was spacing out when I felt it. That boy staring again.

A few days later I was on the second floor with my class. We had gone there to eat pizza and listen to the school band, that I did not know existed. As I'm listening to the band intrigued by the sound of the violin. I begin to sway side to side. I start to think how much I always wanted to learn to play an instrument, really the violin. And all of a sudden there straight across the room I felt dark, dark brown eyes staring at me. This time is not the boy from my stats class, but the boy playing the cello. For a second, I though he could just be concentrating immensely. At the end of the concert I gathered my things and walked toward the door. This boy stops me and with a shaky hand he introduces himself. "Hello, I'm Derek" I shake his hand and confused I say my name.

I know these stories are almost pointless, but how is one suppose to feel or think? Maybe it's hard for me to understand because I just believe that everyone can be friends. Yes, it's almost naive to think that, but why not? Flattering or strange staring happens, I guess...

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